

Easter Week Processions


The Easter Week processions in Sagunto are organised by the Cofradía de la Purísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo (the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ) and date back to the late 15th century, specifically to 1492. The Brotherhood currently has 1,500 members. Good Friday is the big day in Sagunto's Easter Week programme, starting with the Vía Crucis from the Ermita de la Sangre chapel up to the Calvario, where the Passion of Christ is played out through the stations of the Cross on either side of the steep path.

Other major events are religious music concerts, a living Passion of Christ, the auction held for the honour of carrying the images (known as the "Pasos y Sayones"), the procession of Silence, the Sermón del Descendimiento (Sermon of the Descent) from the Cross and the Misa de Resurrección (Mass of the Resurrection). Sagunto's Easter Week is listed as a festival of National Tourism Interest.

Procesiones Semana Santa

Open location

Plaça del Cronista Chabret, s/n, 46500 Sagunt, València

Turismo Sagunto